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COMSOC North American Chapter Chair Meeting

COMSOC North America Region

COMSOC North American Region Board (Chapter Chairs)

COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer Tour / Distinguised Speaker Program


COMSOC North American Chapter Chair Meeting in Kansas City


Left to right – Row 1: Sundar M. Sundaramurthy (Worcester County), Anna Romaniuk (Baltimore), Fawzi Behmann (NAB Vice Chair), Khaled B. Letaief (ComSoc President), Wahab Almuhtadi (North America Region Director), Susan Brooks (ComSoc Executive Director), Erman Hammad (Toronto), Julia Upton (Maine), Irfan Leteef (NJ Coast-ComSoc), Kafi Hassan (Northern Virginia), Song Guo (Member Services Director), Carole Cronin (Staff), Kerrianne Sullivan (Staff).

Row 2: Zhensheng Zhang (R6 Representative), Nei Kato (Member and Global Activities Vice President), Tim Weil (Denver), Titus Lo (Seattle), Paul Cotae (R2 Representative), Scott Atkinson (NAB Past Director), Doug Holly (Washington DC), Francois Chan (Kingston), Cheng Li (Newfoundland & Labrador), Devon Gayle (Jamaica), .

Row 3:  Newman Wilson (R1 Representative), Larry Horner (R5 Representative), Raed Abdullah (NAB Secretary), David Lips (Atlanta), Qiang Ye (Canadian Atlantic).
Not pictured:  Mehdi Roopaei (San Anotnio), Adam Greenberg (Technical Activities and Industry Outreach Director), Mike Fallenstein (vTools Committee Chair).

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Tim Weil is a Security Architect/IT Security Manager with over twenty five years of IT management, consulting and engineering experience in the U.S. Government and Communications Industry.  Mr. Weil's technical areas of expertise include IT Security Management, Enterprise Security Architecture, FISMA Compliance, Identity Management, and Network Engineering. Mr. Weil is a Senior Member of the IEEE and has served in several IEEE positions.